SEO optimization: More than 20 concrete tips that you won’t find anywhere else

SEO optimization can be a difficult field. SEO means optimizing your website for search engines in Romanian. No matter how much we may like it, search engines are primarily what we refer to in Romania when we speak about them. This article will provide a list of the most important things that you can do to optimize and improve your website. Search Engine Optimization is the English word for SEO.
You can find many companies offering SEO services if you search Google for SEO optimization. This article is not intended to provide you with SEO services. This article was written so that anyone searching on Google: SEO optimization could understand, in the easiest language possible, what this SEO optimization means.
It doesn’t matter if you are doing SEO all by yourself or outsourcing a portion of it, it’s important to understand what the SEO activity involves. The website is one of the top three Google results for the topics we are interested in. It has a number of different categories, including trainer, human resource manager, public procurement, sales training, and more.
Below is what I did. This is a summary of the information. It’s a sort of checklist. In the Online Marketing Course, I discuss many aspects in detail.
What can you do to optimize SEO?
1. Use keyword planner
Here is my view: There is only one step. It is easy to see why: you must know what you are trying to accomplish and which keywords you would like to rank high in the google search results. This is because you don’t index or optimize for what people aren’t looking for.
Start smart and optimize for the things you care about. This is how marketing academy module 7 explains it in detail. The basic idea is to determine the phrases that you wish to optimize and then check the keyword planner for the volume of queries related to those phrases.
2. Use a tool for SEO optimization
It all depends on the platform your website is hosted on. I prefer WordPress. Yoast is a plugin that allows you to track what is working and what isn’t. It’s free and easy to install. It’s easy to use. You can also see how it is used in Module 5 of my Marketing Academy. It is sufficient for basic SEO, provided you use it well.
3. Optimize the title of your articles
Once you have chosen a keyword phrase or phrase to target, it must be included in your title. It is crucial that your title is clear and relevant.
4. Optimization of links
It is important that the link I create after I have targeted a keyword must match the keyword. It is both friendly for users and google.
5. Optimizing meta descriptions
A meta description must be included when you publish an article. Google will read this meta description as a summary. Google reads the meta description, title, and link to understand what it is all about.
This meta description is usually found in google, but it may not be always. This meta description should contain your key phrase and be relevant to the keyword you are targeting. It must also be attractive and relevant for the user who views it in Google. You must enter headings in Yoast for this meta description.
6. Optimization of introductions and contents
There are many theories about how often the keyword should appear within an article. There is no one right answer. It must be repeated at least three times. However, common sense dictates how long it takes to insert the key phrase into the article.
If you feel you are exaggerating you should stop. Google will also draw the same conclusion. Your keyword should be in the first paragraph and then in the body. It is important that your keyword frequency does not change if you are writing about the subject.
7. Optimizing subtitles and titles (headings).
You can choose the title and subtitle for your article when you publish it. These headings and subtitles can be thought of as a table of contents for your book. Google can understand the structure of your article by looking at these titles. This organization of content will, obviously, also benefit the user.
Instead of visually identifying the title and subtitles by using a smaller or larger font size, use heading option 1, 2, 3 or 4. You will see exactly what you see below (subtitle 1, subtitle 2 etc.) if you install WordPress in Romanian. This structure is what I use to organize my articles. However, you can also do it later.
8. Optimizing content images
Three things are crucial when it comes to images:
Optimization of images and text
Relevance of the image to the key phrase
Optimizing it in terms size (it shouldn’t be too large, i.e. It should be no more than 100KB.
To add additional text (alternative texts) that contains the keyword on at most one of the images (if you have more).
9. Insertion external and internal links
It is recommended that you include at least one or two links to content elsewhere on your site (inbound) and one to an outside site. It is important that the links are helpful and relevant to the user and not placed artificially just because they must be.
10. Add tags and categories
You will need to add tags or labels at the end of your articles. You can enter the relevant expressions that will allow you to quickly understand what topic your article is about. You can also use this area to enter expressions that are part of the word family for the targeted expression. The only requirement is that you have discussed that topic in your article. Google will penalize you if you don’t speak.
SEO is all about content relevance
Relevant refers to the reader first. You can’t do points 1-10 without relevant, high-quality content. Here is the real line! You can optimize the article for 1000 years if it isn’t a good one. You can also try as many keywords you like, but you have to respect everything. It doesn’t matter if you are writing about a product presentation, or a resource article. External consultants are also a problem.
While they can assist you with points 1-10 it is not possible for them to produce quality content that will be useful for your audience. There have been complaints about consultants being paid to deliver poor results. This is something I also complained about until I learned what a consultant can do and cannot. It is not his fault that the content isn’t relevant. This is your job, or that of the content manager at the company. Module 9 of my Marketing Academy teaches you how to create impactful articles that attract customers. Relevance is the key to success.
11. SEO strategy to achieve the first Google position
If you’ve read this far, you are probably interested in SEO optimization. However, you may not be only interested in SEO in general but also in optimizing your website to appear on Google’s first page and in the first position. Sometimes, being on the first page is not enough.
When they search on google, users click less than 50% for the first position, 20-30% for the second, and less than 20% for the third. You will attract less than 10% of people who search for the phrase if your position is not one of the top three.
The percentage could vary from one domain to the next depending on how much advertising is placed before the first place or how attractive your site’s title and description are. This topic is very popular in Marketing Academy. In module 8, I will present a case study to show you how I outperform my competition. To be able to rank above your competition, you must not only write relevantly to your audience.
12. SEO site optimization is a must
Important to remember that the points 1-12 are applicable to each page or article on your website. You don’t just have the general advice above, but you also have the details you need to follow for each article, service, or product you put on your website.
Site optimization is SEO optimization of the entire site. The basis for site optimization or SEO optimization the whole site rests on each article on the website. The general optimization of your site is done later, and it is easy to forget about. Every article is the basis, i.e. Everything you publish on the website is considered general SEO optimization. General SEO optimization basically refers to all of the optimizations that you make for every content on your website.
13. Optimizing Tags and Categories
Category description
You can also use the Yoast plugin and wordpress options. Follow the instructions to set it up. Next, go to the categories and enter your description for each one the same as for articles. This means that you must enter a meta description for every category on your website. It will also be displayed in Google. Google will show you that it sometimes gives you a page and sometimes a category. It all depends on which topic he considers to be more important. You can see what they are currently showing on your domain, and you can follow the same strategy. However, I recommend that you add the category descriptions. You should do the same if indexing using Yoast settings or tags. This is where the discussion gets more complicated. You can find a yoast configuration tutorial online to help you decide which is best for you.
14. Back Links and external link building
It’s been a trend for a long time to submit your site to one thousand internet directories. This is to link to your website from other sites. Google used to be very concerned about inbound links. Google refused to allow links to sites which had no connection to the site being promoted.
Google only considers links that are relevant for your website. It doesn’t matter if someone mentions your services on a blog. But if they link to your site on classifieds sites, it won’t help.
You will find links from social networks like Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin. Also, you can enter here. Google + is the best for SEO, particularly since posts from google plus appear in Google searches.
15. SEO optimization for Google and visitors
Inexperienced seo professionals make the biggest mistake. They misuse Yoast and keywords to try to fool Google. I’ve heard it said that Google changed their algorithm, and now we don’t appear in search results. This is something I discuss in the Marketing Academy. However, if you were to ask me a quick question it would be: If google changes its algorithm and your site is affected.
This could be a sign that you have done something wrong or tried to trick Google. Google cannot be cheated. At best, you cheat it in short-term. It doesn’t alter its algorithm in the long term, but it does remove the search terms that are not relevant from searches. Google will always be there if you write well for users and aren’t abusive.
This has been possible for me at least 10 years. To maximize your chances of success in SEO, you should first focus on the users. Google considers what users do. If you’re relevant and fair, it won’t matter to google. Google will move you to the tail end of the list if you’re not relevant. Google Analytics can be installed to track what your visitors do on your site. The bounce rate is a good indicator. It should be as low and as consistent as possible. Next, you need to see the average number of pages visited per visit and the time spent on each page.
16. Continuously monitor your website’s SEO performance.
You can test webmaster tools and google analytics. You can test and find out what works for you.
What are the expected results of SEO optimization?